Saturday, December 30, 2006
Merry Christmas, again
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas
Thursday, December 21, 2006
CAIR vs. Left Behind
Well, the muslim community, led by CAIR, have their panties in bunch over what they're calling a "convert or die" game. Once again CAIR is letting muslims know they're offended. This week, all the whine-o-grams have been telling the RoP faithful how offend they are and how to articulate those feelings by crafting an email or fax to H. Lee Scott Jr Wal-Mart CEO.
Using the "pay to play" media outlet, CAIR claims "it has received complaints about the game. The game reportedly rewards players for either converting or killing people of other faiths.
Now why would muslims buy a video game aimed at Christian audiences? Has CAIR actually looked at the game to see if the rewards players receive are in fact for converting or killing people of other faiths?
The whole "convert or die" concept CAIR is whining about sounds just like islam. Ask Jill Carroll, Steve Centanni and his cameraman, Olaf Wiig. Weren't they given the option to "convert or die?" I would think muslims would embrace such a game forcing a religious conversion.
Nihad Awad, CAIR spokesman, said "We believe the message this game is promoting is one of religious intolerance. The game's enemy team includes people with Muslim sounding names." Awad also claims "We have no desire to stifle creativity or inhibit freedom of speech. However, it is our duty as America's leading Islamic civil rights group to promote mutual understanding and ensure the safety of Americans of all faiths." Really? Tell me Nihad, when was the last time CAIR came out in support of anything in the Jewish or Christian communities?
When asked about the arab and muslim sounding names, Left Behind Games' President Jeffrey Frichner said, "Muslims are not believers in Jesus Christ and therefore cannot be on the side of Jesus in the game." Yep, that's what I believe. What's the problem CAIR?
I haven't seen the game but I plan to download the free demo from the Left Behind: Eternal Forces website. The ummah cries foul at the drop of a hat, but I don't see Christian groups being offended by an islamic prayer video game. There's a host of islamic video games and not all of them are moral or even civil for that matter. The muslim brotherhood has decided to use a video game to indoctrinate young muslims in the ways of hate and destruction. No Jewish or Christian outcry to ban these games teaching the future generation in the ways of jihad, and not the inner struggle to be a good muslim. These games train youngsters to hate and dominate. CAIR and the entire muslim community need to clean their own house before they bring a Dustbuster to mine.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Christmas cookies
This year, being unemployed, my mother wouldn't have accepted a "pricey" gift from us and would have insisted I take it back for a refund. We were raised knowing financial priorities. Pay your bills, buy food and save for a rainy day. My parents never had a credit card and the only things they ever financed were their cars and their home. To this day if they don't have the money for it they didn't need it that bad, this attitude taught us how to save and the value of a dollar. By no means are they cheap or stingy, they'd give you shirt off their back and over the years many a relative came knocking on their door looking for a loan that many times fell into default. My brother and I wanted for nothing growing up. For my high school graduation, a brand new 1984 Monte Carlo sat in the drive upon my return from 8 days in Hawaii. Now, does that sound like neglect? When my dad had heart surgery 13 years ago the bill that insurance didn't cover was $85,000.00. My mother had the money, she got writers cramp from signing what seemed like endless stacks of 25 and 50 dollar savings bonds purchased every 2 weeks for the last 30 years. This would qualify as a rainy day. A ham, 10 pound sack of potatoes and a fruit basket my brother and I delivered to the neighbors whose down syndrome child always seemed to be in the hospital taught us charity.
They're in their early 60's with a home that's been paid off for 21 years, 12 years early on a 40 year mortgage. Dad is retired from a job he held for 38 years and receives a tidy pension and social security, they are blessed and are living in comfort well within the means.
Celebrating Christmas with tons of gifts was not a priority, knowing why we celebrate was. The meal my mother prepared was on par with any fine restaurant. Turkey and ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, potato salad, mini (my mother broke them in half) corn on the cob, turkey gravy and ham gravy. If you've never heard of ham gravy you're really missing a treat. My mom cooks a whole, semi-boneless ham with crushed pineapple, (lots of) brown sugar, ginger ale and 2 tablespoons of mustard. This little bath, when cooked for 6 hours and is thickened, will create a deliciously sweet gravy. Anyway, mother would create a beautiful relish tray including black olives, hot cauliflower, pepper rings, horseradish and pickles all adorned with radish roses. Now if you could actually get up from the table for a few hours and take a nap, the deserts that awaited you was again on par with a downtown bakery window display. Lemon meringue, chocolate and butterscotch pies (with real whipping cream). A chocolate cake with homemade white icing decorated with red and green. Carrot cake with cream cheese icing tinted a light orange. Chocolate chip, oatmeal and decorated (by my brother & me) sugar cookies. And my most favorite cookie, my mothers kolachkies. This recipe was from her mother-in-law and even my grandmother loves my mothers version of the cookie. I've heard a lot of different people call kolachkies angel wings, these are not the same cookie. It's a butter and cream cheese dough rolled and cut into squares then filled (only 2 opposite corners brought to the center and pinched together) with red raspberry (my favorite), pineapple, peach and apricot preserves and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Light layers of cream cheese dough combined with the sweetness of the preserves is the best cookie on the tray.
Well I packed up my parents Christmas "gift" for delivery. Snowballs, chocolate chip, oatmeal and ricotta cheese cookies along with a Harry and David "Fruitcake Confection" since I was not making one this year. I make an awesome fruitcake. This will more than satisfy them and I'll hear about "buying" the fruitcake. A nice Christmas card a few strings of curling ribbon and you've got a beautiful gift fit for any simple, down to earth folks. Made with love from a daughter who was taught the real meaning of Christmas.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
I'm unemployed....
This was the perfect job. Even though I live 1.1 miles away I was a few minutes late almost every day. In the summer I could have walked to work, but I never did. With my manager in Buffalo I toiled unmolested and instructed a very competent crew. I enjoyed the people I worked with, I liked what I did and I was good at it.
I'm still waking up at 5:00am. I make coffee and turn on the computer. I used to hurry up and post so I could be the first one in the shower. Now I can take my time and shower at ten o'clock, I'm not in a hurry. Perhaps I'll learn to sleep in, but there's something about the early morning quiet that calms the soul.
I'm not getting nostalgic, no one really likes to work. We work to better our lives and to provide for our family. I worked to better our lives and now find ourselves in a comfortable position where I don't have to work. We are blessed. This would've been a dream come true, 20 years ago. Christopher turned 21 in September, so I'm not being pressured to volunteer for playground duty or whip up 2 dozen cupcakes for a holiday classroom party. My son doesn't need me home, now.
I should look at the positive aspects of my situation. Frying chicken, making (spaghetti) sauce or pot roast. I can bake cookies while reading a book or scrubbing the kitchen floor. Going to the grocery store alone will definitely save money. The little side business I have provides extra cash and should keep me busy until I figure out which path to take.
For now, I'm unemployed. . . .
Bush OK, but terrorist effigy is offensive

CAIR's Ibrahim Hooper is calling for more of the same, "I don't think this would promote interfaith understanding."
Yes Ibrahim, we infidels need to understand your faith. You muslims don't need to understand our culture, right. It's called free speech, do you understand?
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
During the hajj, CAIR wants you to know your rights!

They've also compiled a handy dandy pocket guide for American muslims. This little booklet has helpful hints from everything on writting a letter to the editor and knowing your muslim employee rights to reacting to anti-muslim hate crimes.
There's one thing CAIR forgot to inform fellow RoP followers, flying is a privilege, not a right. In this post 9/11 world, we need to profile. Not racial or religious profile, but terrorist profile. There is a difference.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Shock of the day: Emerson lecture to be protested
A lecture on radical islamic infiltration of America at the Tucson Jewish Community Center will be protested by the usual suspects, islamists and western useful idiots. According to literature promoting his talk, Emerson is expected to speak about how militant islamic individuals and groups have insinuated themselves into western society. He contends that islamist extremists living in the U.S. often pretend to be moderate while secretly carrying out a terrorist agenda in funding, organizing and coordinating the activities of radical islamic groups. No wonder CAIR is hoping to suppress this orator. We'll see if the Emerson lecture will be canceled amid pressure by fringe muslim groups like the Women in Black.
Silencing opposing views is a full-time job for many muslim activists including the MSA at Brown University.
Nonie Darwish, "Now They Call Me Infidel" author, was scheduled to speak about the twisted hatred and radicalism she grew to despise in her own culture. But the event was canceled. Brown University campus group, Hillel, had originally extended the offer then buckled under the pressure put on them by the muslim student association. It appears Darwish's comments are "too controversial" and muslim students insisted she be denied a platform at Brown. Hillel claims they didn't want to upset its "beautiful relationship" with the muslim community.
Interesting? Brown has no problem hosting anti-Israel events such as Palestinian Solidarity Week without anyone being offended. It seems the politically correct thing to do is bash America and educate infidels. The corruption of academic standards and lack of intellectual openness run rampant among our most elite colleges and universities. Dissenting views used to be encouraged on American campuses, now it appears exploiting the most radical positions and suppressing the voices of those who hold conservative opinions has become customary. Under the guise of multiculturalism we're ushered into a shade of grey where good and evil no longer exist.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Fitness USA vs. CAIR....again
In November my post titled "Throw imama from the plane" illustrated the American vigilance on the war on terror by reporting suspicious behavior. The behavior by 6 imams traveling by plane and completing their obligatory evening prayer in the airport terminal was not what got them tossed off the flight. Their behavior on the aircraft caught the attention of passengers and led to their removal.
What do these two posts have in common? CAIR, praying, Fitness USA and intolerance. Now it seems muslims believe they have the right to pray anywhere unmolested, while flipping the finger to the rest of America. It seems Fitness USA is going up against CAIR once again because a woman was interrupted during one of her obligatory prayer times at the gym. The details are vague and only says the muslim woman was offended. CAIR was there, Johnning on the spot, to asist her in her time of need, assuring that her rights were violated. With total disregard for her fellow patrons, this woman (and other muslims) believes she has no responsibility for her actions. Acting with complete impunity, these people (of faith) act like the own the joint (America) and want us to conform to their culture.
My fellow blogger, Malott, had a great post on this same topic. To quote Chris, let me say; So bring out the cartoons, interrupt the prayers, and throw Imam(a) from the plane. We will not be intimidated. Our laws will not be infected with Sharia. We will not be colonized.
I, too, will not be colonized or marched into dhimmitude. These people aren't looking for the same rights as everyone else in this great nation, they're looking for special rights. Are they special or does the religion that encompasses their lives make them feel inferior? The victim mentality comes from a forced failure to assimilate to their host country and culture. If I had to be covered from head to toe, couldn't drive, work or talk to a man who I wasn't related to I, too, would want ALL women in this country to be just like me. If I can't be like them (American women) I'd be beating a path to every CAIR office in America.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Dennis Prager in CAIR cross-hairs

Sunday, December 03, 2006
Pig races used to show mosque is not welcome

Besides fear of the unknown, residents have raised concerns over how this mosque will look and effect property values. Parking, traffic congestion and drainage issues are all going to be addressed with the county. Even though no permits have been applied for, construction on a parking lot has already started. Yep, we muslims don't want to cause any problems here. Craig Baker said the pig races will begin before the end of the year. I will bring the results to you as soon as I get the whine-o-gram.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Pig races to deter mosque
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Glenn Beck in the CAIR cross-hairs
The Glenn Beck special broadcast on CNN, Exposed: The Extremist Agenda, is now the target of CAIR and Media Matters. After his appearance on Good Morning America, Media Matters condemns Diane Sawyer for her introduction, calling Beck "television and talk-radio host ... who has said it's time for the world to stop buckling to the pressure of radical Islam." without mentioning he's a conservative. Now that's damning isn't it. I watched the special Beck hosted and found it to be very revealing and in line with everything I've heard and read about radical islam. Spinning apocalyptic impunity by interjecting Becks faith (he's a Mormon) is taking the focus off the real issue, radical islam and muslim hate around the world. Nationwide, islamic panties are in bunch because Diane Sawyer didn't identify Beck as a "self-identified conservative who has a history of making derogatory statements about Islam and Muslims" is more victim mentality. I'm sorry, but there's problem with islam that can only be corrected from within. When muslims finally remove the vial of denial and address the fanatical crisis, maybe then we'll see global tranquility. We are slowly moving toward an inability to critique islam by threat of violence.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Turkey welcomes the Pope

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Throw "imama" from the plane.....
Omar Shahin, spokesman for the humiliated imams, is affiliated with the "Kind Hearts" charity, a Hamas linked organization, shut down by the US Treasury Department. This Omar Shahin is also on record expressing doubt that Muslims were behind the 9/11 attacks. Over at Jihad Watch, Robert Spencer has more info about this fellow RoP follower. There's much more to this story, we just have to dig a little deeper. As the saga continues, I'll post new developments.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
You just can't do that!
Since the attack, Americans have been vigilant, on alert. Our elected leaders asked postal workers, cable installers and meter readers to report anything they deemed suspicious to the FBI. We have taken that task seriously, so when 6 muslims stand up in unison and start praying, it's reported. I'm sorry, but you just can't do that in this country. 19 muslims took over 4 planes and murdered 3000 innocent people on a beautiful Tuesday morning.
The whine-o-gram sent out today insists we infidels are ignorant regarding islam. These honorable men were just reciting their required evening prayers like every other muslim around the world. CAIR will hold a news conference at its Washington, D.C., headquarters in reaction to what the civil rights group calls a "flying while Muslim" incident in Minnesota.
Six Imams, or Islamic religious leaders, were taken off a US Airways flight at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport Monday night because of "suspicious activity." The Imams, who were handcuffed and questioned for several hours by authorities before being released, told CAIR they suspect the "suspicious activity" cited by authorities was the performance of normal evening prayers offered by members of the group in the airport before boarding the flight.
The detained Imams also denied reports that they refused to leave the plane or that they chanted "Allah" as they were escorted from the flight. US Airways refused to allow the Imams to take another flight or to assist them in obtaining tickets on another airline.
CAIR was quick to assist the imams in their time of humiliation, assuring them their civil rights were violated. This wrong will be righted! Since 9/11 muslim have been and should be singled out for extra screening. Why are we ignoring the elephant in the room? The "religion of peace" is responsible for the daily carnage in Iraq, the proclamation to eliminate the entire Jewish faith and wanton destruction of America. Yes, islam has a problem.
Like I said before, 19 muslims seized 4 planes and murdered 3000 people. If the 19 were Catholics, I would be suspect of anyone walking around, beads in hand, praying the Rosary in an airport. I'd report them to the authorities because I felt uncomfortable. Is his embarrassment more important than my security? Muslims, not the infidels, need to recognize the fact they need to play a roll in making this country and fellow Americans feel safe. And if it means missing evening prayers in public, then so be it!
Update 4:37pm
CAIR is calling on the DoJ and TSA to conduct thorough investigations into the incident in Minnesota and to ensure that security procedures of US Airways and other airlines conform to constitutional standards mandating the protection of religious freedom and other civil rights. CAIR is also seeking a meeting with U.S. Airways officials, (to muscle them into submission) to discuss the Minnesota incident and past complaints made by muslims.
The victim mentality used by CAIR has garnered NAACP support, calling the incident "deeply disturbing" and "This matter is unfortunately consistent with the experience of African-Americans who have been detained while simply traveling on our nation's highways, flyways and sidewalks. We encourage a thorough investigation into the matter and call for the passing of the End Racial Profiling Act, which is currently pending in Congress."
I had no idea we had an "End Racial Profiling Act" pending in congress. Who's sponsoring this bill? Why can't people realize this has nothing to do with race, islam is not a race. It has everything to do with young, suspicious looking, middle eastern males. The same kind that high-jacked 4 planes and murdered 3000 innocent people on September 11, 2001. That's the elephant in the "airport," why is America allowing CAIR, and now the NAACP, to weave a Persian rug to throw over it?
Monday, November 20, 2006
Beta Blogger
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Linked again..Staff reprimanded

The watchdog staff over at "You Heard it Here" again noticed a huge spike in traffic today and as per our SOP (standard operating procedure) immediately alerted management. Once I was lucid, I grabbed my glasses, made some coffee and got to work. My investigation yielded a wealth of information. Not only was my post linked to another prominent website,, it seems a member of congress has visited "Nuggets of News." Needless to say, I was relieved to discover the increased volume was due to another link to my blog and not spam.

Once everything settled down, I pulled the team together so we could review the series of events that occurred earlier in the day. I commended him for following the SOP, but then chastised him for rousing me from my afternoon nap. I have placed Hershey Bar on paid administrative leave until further notice.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Campus police accused of "hate" crime...says CAIR
Does that sound like a "hate" crime to you? CAIR believes otherwise. Because the "victim" is a muslim, CAIR is calling for an independent investigation of an incident. Today's "Immediate Release" whine-o-gram states their LA office was contacted by several students "who expressed their concern about possible civil rights violations by police officers" during the removal of the muslim student.
The community service officers who patrol the campus are performing a service that benefit the students by ensuring their safety. Rules are in place to protect students, by just providing an ID to these officers would have diffused the incident. The actions Tabatabainejad made as he was led away, proves his lack of respect for authority. Making a statement about the Patriot Act, while causing a scene, endorses the religious chip on his shoulder. Typical muslim victim mentality, an "I'm untouchable" declaration concocted for benevolent reaction.
I just don't buy it. The thug isn't above the law and got what he deserved for his combative behavior.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
I've been linked...Again
I've also been linked to a Canadian bloggers site, The Black Kettle. He's an Evangelical Christian who supports the war on terror and his Canadian troops. I scanned it and seems like a good site. He mostly comments on islamic terror and the hold they're trying to take on our culture and values. Also worth checking out.
I must say up front. This in no way has inflated my ego. I will continue to report and opine on the enemy among us. As long as the "whine-o-grams" keep coming, I'll continue to do the dirty work so all of us can be informed.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
I've been "linked"
We were also linked by another site, Al-Mahdi and the Anti-Christ. My "Florida Congresswoman Stands Up to CAIR" post is part of their "Links to recent news." I'm not exactly sure of the contents of the site, but It appears to have a lot of material on islamic and Christian escatology, harmless enough.
From all of us here at You Heard if Here... Nuggets of News the MSM won't report, I would like to thank everyone who was so kind as to link my post to their site. I'm extremely flattered by the gesture.
Thanks again!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Florida congresswoman stands up to CAIR
CAIR sent a fax to Ms. Brown-Waite asking her to join her fellow republican "dhimmis" and condemn the Hogans. Using congressional letterhead, she wrote a 3 page response that will most certainly touch off more whining by the terrorist front group. It is worth reading. Included in her letter, Ms. Brown-Waite reminds Ahmed Bedier of a meeting she was invited to at a prominent muslim doctors home. She was asked to "have some tea and see how his children were doing." When she arrived Ms. Brown-Waite was greeted by 8 or more men sitting in a semicircle waiting to have a discussion with her. From what I could gather from the letter, CAIR was looking for a member of congress who would be sympathetic to the CAIR-muslim view. When Ms. Brown-Waite told them, in no uncertain terms, she was not their guy, Ahmed Bedier told her they had done some research. Pointing out her Catholic background, Bedier told her something that was so outrageous she remembered it almost verbatim, "Catholic priests pose more of a terrorism threat by having sex with young altar boys than those who flew the planes into the World Trade Center." It was at this point Ms. Brown -Waite told the group that the Catholic priest did not kill 3000 innocent Americans and the authorities knew where they were, not hiding in some cave. From the tone of her response Ms. Brown-Waite sure put Ahmed Bedier and CAIR in their place. But you won't find that being reported by the MSM. I'm sure since that 2004 meeting, Ms. Brown-Waite has been in the CAIR crosshairs.
In this country you do not have the right to NOT be offended. If CAIR doesn't like a statement made by someone in a public forum, they have a right to plead their case accordingly. Seeking condemnation by our politicians is a stunt used by CAIR and any politician who folds to the pressure is missing their backbone. Ginny Brown-Waite should be held up as model to all those seeking to relocate their spine.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
They're at the gate...CAIR candidate wins!
As most of you probably know, Minnesota elected the first muslim to congress. Keith Ellison, CAIR's candidate, won the 5th district seat and made history on Tuesday. A celebratory whine-o-gram, congratulating Ellison, applauded voters for rejecting the "islam-bashing" and profiling that came from the Republican candidate. Make no mistake about it, Ellison has ties to radical islam. A former member of the Nation of islam, the congressman elect is very liberal and not your average muslim. A judicial "watch blog," Corruption Chronicles, has the low down on Ellison.
This is not good for our country. Not because Ellison is a muslim. Rather, it's his position as a former nation of islam spokesman and his shady past with the radical cult. Ellison's close ties to CAIR, a major contributor to his campaign, is also disturbing. These two organizations are hell bent on the destruction of America and Israel. I wonder if Ellison is an American or a muslim first? Where does he pledge his allegiance . I pray the voters in the gopher state wake up to the anti-America, anti-Israel agenda and remove Ellison in 6 years.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I won't be making a purchase...

Tuesday's whine-o-gram focused on the USPS issuing this stamp that commemorates the two most important islamic festivals, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. On these days, muslims wish each other "Eid mubarak," the phrase featured in Islamic calligraphy on the stamp. "Eid mubarak" translates literally as "blessed festival."
The whining you hear comes from the internet campaign to boycott a holiday postage stamp in central Texas. Mustafaa Carroll representing the Texas chapter of CAIR (never let it be said that CAIR is one to miss an opportunity to play the victim). Carroll said, "I guess it's just become par for the course these days." Others from the islamic community claim a post 9/11 America hasn't been too friendly. (Ya think?) A retired postal worker had this to say, "From the little kids up, they're trained to be a terrorist and for us to honor. I'm sure there are good Muslims, but I just don't think it's appropriate for our country to honor their holidays. To honor a religion bent on our downfall, I don't think it's appropriate there are several websites calling for a boycott on the stamp."
Why all the whining now? The stamp was originally issued on 9/1/01, 10 days before America was attacked by 19 muslims. The internet campaign has been going on for years. When I first saw the stamp, I emailed the USPS and expressed my displeasure. To my utter shock I did get a reply, stating the need for diversity, that all Americans be represented and celebrated. Every year since the stamp was issued, CAIR creates a controversy, just before the "high holy days," forcing Americas attention is on the muslim religion. News sources will mention the holiday with a brief description on it's history. Bringing islam to the forefront of Americas psyche.
Carroll opined further, "I'm more concerned with the general community, and what it's going to look like in the years to come, because this war's going to pass and people aren't always going to be doing this and we have to get along after this is all said and done."
Sounds like CAIR has a long range plan for islam in America. That statement appears very confident in the outcome, pushing islam into the mainstream of American culture. This stamp is just another step towards dhimmitude.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Obsession, the movie
Walid Shoebat commented on the use of jihad and how many "moderates" try to explain away the term. In islam, they say, jihad means "struggle" or my personal struggle to be a good muslim. Shoebat made a powerful observation, pointing out that Adolph Hitler's Mein Kampf means my struggle as well and in 1945 the world found out Hitler wasn't kidding out his intentions. Just like Hitler, the islamic community is telling us what they're intentions are. When are we going to listen, after another 6 million are put to death?
If you have a chance this afternoon, FOX will be airing the program again, I strongly urge you watch it.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
CAIR vs. Mark Steyn
Just another example of muslims asking to be put above the fray, demanding special rights in a threatening (canceling of subscriptions) manner. Why is this behavior tolerated by the islamic community? Time and again we infidels are forced to respect islam, they 're not asking for equality, they're demanding islam be put above all other religions, never to be questioned or scrutinized.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Why the veil.......
During Friday sermons, Sheikh Taj Din Al Hilaly, has been preaching against Australian rape laws. Claiming a woman is responsible for being raped because she may wear a short skirt or put on make-up. Comparing a rape victim to a kilo of meat left unattended and eaten by cats.
The translation to a recent sermon also claims us infidels will end up in hell, "They are the worst in God's creation."
Now I see why the veil. Men who follow the religion of peace have no carnal self-control and can't be expected to act in a manner consistent with those of western men. Again we see an example of how special muslims are and an effort to explain away their unacceptable behavior. They're not responsible for the acts they commit, it's in the koran. If a woman is unveiled and I'm unable to control my hormones, I have to rape her. Makes perfect sense to me. That's why we need CAIR in America to point out how special muslims are and the need for "people of the book" to tolerate their unlawful behavior.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
A koran in the toilet - Part IV
"This incident meets the legal definition of a hate crime, "said Aliya Latif, a member of the Association of Muslim American Lawyers. "Indeed, this is no different from placing a burning cross in front of a house or painting a swastika on a locker."
The discovery of the islamic "holy book" in a toilet at Pace's lower Manhattan campus on October 13 was the latest in a series of acts of vandalism tinged with racial or religious overtones at the school. In addition to the korans found in a library toilet on September 21, and in October someone scrawled "racial slurs" (to which CAIR doesn't elaborate) on a student's car at the Westchester County satellite campus and on a bathroom wall. These are the incidents CAIR and AMAL refer to regarding the escalating incidents of "hate" at the university.
This laughable and much ado about nothing. CAIR never attended my high school let alone enter the restrooms. I think American muslims would be better served if CAIR would allow them to thinken their skin, insist on assimilation into American culture and once you leave your homes or mosque become immersed in Americanism.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
A koran in the toilet - Part III
So some Muslim treated his "holy" Koran so carelessly that it fell into the hands of some infidel, who tossed it in the can.
CAIR really should stop with the sensitivity training for the infidels and start training Muslims to take better care of their scriptures.
Yesterdays whine-o-gram again called for infidel education of the campus population. CAIR-NY civil rights director, Maryam Sayar Akbar said;
"We once again call on Pace University to take concrete measures to help educate the student population about Islamophobic bigotry and its negative impact on ordinary Muslims and on American society."
I find the timing all to convenient. The islamic holy month whine-o-grams are full of iftar community sharing and mosque open houses across the country. All this is done to show how giving and peaceful the ummah can be, never mind the homicide bombers and chants of death following Friday prayers. Death threats, and murderous riots when anyone claims islam has violent tendencies. This toilet-gate "hate crime" has no "there, there." When you understand CAIR's mission and see they've created a muslim "Voter Education Guide" with the by-line; CAIR does not endorse any one issue or candidate. Right... just more endorsement of the muslim victim mentality.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
What should I feel?
Last week the other woman received some bad news. Her son, a marine serving our country in Iraq, was injured while disarming an IED. He ultimately succumbed to his injuries. The woman is on FMLA for a month while arrangements for his burial at Arlington are being finalized. This news is painful for all of America. Another fallen hero.
As my friend struggles with yet another reminder of the event that brought her world to a crashing halt. She told me all the news reports lead with the story of his death. It seems he was a fine 23 year old young man serving his third tour in Iraq. My friend is conflicted. She feels connected to a fallen soldier she never met. Her heart breaks for the parents, even the woman who played a roll in ruining her marriage. When the news broke, her mind went into a fog. Normally her prayers are for the family of the fallen. Praying that the parents find peace and comfort from our Lord. For two days the story has loomed over her state and her home as she and her husband come to grips on how to react. She's said his death doesn't change who his mother is and what she did, however, the mother in her goes out to the adulteress. Mother to mother
Friday, October 13, 2006
CAIR aggressively search for "victims"
"Well, you know, if he comes in wearing a turban and his name is Muhammad, that's a good start"
That's enough to get your "jihadist" dander up, right? The message continues to ask "Have you or someone you know experienced bias similar to that expressed by the Wisconsin candidate?"
Sounds like they're searching for more victims of profiling and harassment. The whine-o-gram goes on to cite their own findings on anything CAIR deemed anti-muslim. Michael over at "A Second Hand Conjecture" did some digging into a few of the complaints and found a few unworthy statistics.
This innocent looking ramadan appeal email is a sheep in wolves clothing. Nothing like a CAIR anti-assimilation email to lift the spirits of your muslim neighbor. I can't understand how this organization is allowed to operate, unmolested, in this country. Their mission is clear, an islamic country formerly known as America.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
What's the matter here?
Where have I been? When I was a kid, going to McDonald's was a treat. For 38 years, my dad worked the "swing" shift for LTV Steel. Swing shift meant you worked first shift one week, second shift the next and the next week you'd work third shift. (repeat until you retire) Once and a while when dad was working afternoons, my mom would treat us to McDonald's. Probably so she didn't have to cook. But it was a treat and not an every week event. Of course childhood restrictions were applied to the rare indulgence. Clean your room, do your homework and so on. When my son was old enough to enjoy the nations best fast food french fries, it was a treat as well. I can't speak for my mother, but it would explain all the Happy Meal toys at the bottom of his little suit case.
Yesterday I noticed that Arby's now accepts Visa and Mastercard. I almost rear ended the car in front of me. I was so astounded by this revelation, I embarked on a fact finding mission. Burger King, McDonald's, Wendy's, Rally's, Mr. Hero and Subway also benefit from people who utilize these establishments to feed their families. It seems fast food restaurants have replaced the family dinner table. Gone are the days when mothers cooked meals, every day, and going out to eat was a family indulgence once the bills were paid. When mom deserved a break from the kitchen it wasn't for a hamburger she could have prepared at home for half the price. We were seated at a table, not standing at a counter, and gave our food order to someone who never handled money. Where have I been and when did this happen?
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
A koran in the toilet - Part II
It this point I'm going to refer to a past post explaining why I believe islam is incompatible with western culture.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
CAIR believes a koran found in a toilet is a "Hate Crime", give me a break!
Yesterday's whine-o-gram news brief details what CAIR believes to be a possible hate crime at Pace University in lower Manhattan. A paperback copy of a koran was found in the men's room toilet. CAIR-NY is calling on the university to treat the incident as a possible hate crime and sees this incident as evidence of the growing phenomenon of islamophobia in the United States. I'm sorry, I just can't equate the two acts and to do so would only belittle the true pain and suffering the entire Amish community will endure.
Unlike the perpetual victim that is the muslim mentality, the Amish understand evil exists. The dead will be buried, families will mourn. Absent is an outcry for the populace to undergo Amish "sensitivity" training. However, a town hall meeting was held yesterday for the Pace student population in order to create a better understanding of islam. I just don't get it!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Gitmo muslim detainees get special treatment during ramadan
CAIR's daily "whine-o-gram" boasted of motions filed in federal court. CAIR's involvement is nothing more than a show of support and has no legal grounds. In the court challenge filed Friday, attorney Gaillard T. Hunt said muslim chaplains are needed help reduce suicide attempts among detainees. Since 2004 muslim chaplains have been banned following the arrest of former Army Capt. James Yee, the muslim chaplain accused of taking classified records. (Yee contends he was targeted because of his faith) Yee oversaw a staff of five chaplains, none of them muslim, a fact that sparked international criticism. A United Nations report earlier this year on conditions at the camp said the failure to provide muslim clergy for detainees violated minimum standards of treatment. The deference given to them under the guise of religion was unbelievable despite UN reports. Since the discredited "koran flushing" incident, guards were ordered to don medical gloves before touching a koran. Now, only civilian muslim interpreters are allowed to move and inspect the holy texts during cell searches. Military guards note that Korans have been used to pass messages and could hide weapons.
It's clear muslim prisoners in lockup often used religion as a wedge to get around the desires or authority of those above them and used religion to manipulate camp commanders. Due to their militant nature many procedures are stricter than those used by the federal Bureau of Prisons. These prisoners are not being held on traffic violations, they want to murder us. Let's stop treating them like normal criminals and handle them with the same regard the jihadist have for our military.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Holy month of terror
All kidding aside, the terror alert level isn't elevated during Yom Kippur, Easter or Christmas. But don't make a point of bringing this up to the muslim community, they might get violent in an effort to dispel your comment. Happy ramadan!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Ahmadinejad defends suicide bombing
"What would you like your son to do?" Ahmadinejad said. "Would you like him to defend America? I think you would like that. "t's the same with our people. If you don't have arms, what would you do? It's not a bad thing. The war was imposed on the Middle East, "Ahmadinejad said. Iran is sandwiched between Afghanistan and Iraq, where the United States has hundreds of thousands of troops. Hundreds of thousands of troops surround us under the pretext of democracy,"
We're waging war with a death cult civilization. Iran is hell bent on obtaining weapons of mass destruction. The clerics who speak though Ahmadinejad intend to usher in the mahdi (12th imam) and eliminate Israel. They've been telling us of their objectives for years, and this revelation by the "nutter in chief" supporting martyrdom endeavors must be taken seriously. Civilized nations need to collectively condemn their evil intentions and the west has a moral obligation to sustain military efforts in the middle east to crush this culture of death also know as islam!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Chavez calls President Bush the "Devil"
The united nations has become irrelevant. Their inability to enforce security resolutions aside, how do you allow one member nation to call for the elimination of another? Allowing Chavez to spew anti-American venom on U.S. soil just proves their insignificance. Turtle Bay has become a soap box for terrorists and dictators to legitimize conspiracy theories, lending moral equivalence to their evil deeds.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
CAIR looks to muslim brotherhood & hamas as islamic leaders!
I did some digging last night and read the entire CAIR release and compared the two. They are in fact identical. It was when I clicked to the Washington Post link, located on both the email and the US Newswire releases, that I realized CAIR tried to mislead me and the public. The prompt says: SEE: Muslim Leaders Blast Pope's Comments (Washington Post), now that would lead one to believe CAIR was among the muslim leaders mentioned and or quoted in the article. Right, well that's what I thought. I reread the WaPo news piece again and nowhere is CAIR or any American muslim quoted. The muslims "leaders" who did the blasting included members of the muslim brotherhood, a representative of hamas and the Iraqi radical "boy" cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. Are these muslim leaders directing CAIR? Does CAIR look to these terrorist for guidance? Is the claim made by Andrew Whitehead calling CAIR a terrorist front operation true? If they refer to these islamic terrorists as leaders then I think CAIR has some explaining to do!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
When is islam going to live up to their "religion of peace" claim?
After a day of talk hosts and Fox News airing the islamic backlash to comments made by the Pope, I posted some calming pictures of God's Promise, made reference to the all to common reaction by the "religion of peace" and went to bed. Enter the savage nation. Michael was commenting (ranting) on the "ummah" and what's become an all to common response to "insulting" islam. Time and again following Friday prayers, muslims take to the streets insisting islam is the religion of peace. All the while effigys burn and chants of "death to...." whomever offended the peaceful muslims.
I have to say, Michael was spot on with his commentary last night, reminding us what happens when you offend islam. Just ask Theo Van Gogh what happens when you offend islam.
As the day wore on, it seemed I was made to believe this was a justified reaction. Talking heads from Jessie Jackson to CAIR came out and defended the actions of these crazed death cult followers. Calling for dialog and a greater understanding of the muslim world. CAIR sent an immediate response to the comments made by the Pontiff, insisting islam is peaceful. The email was chock-full of examples from the koran. Verses condemning forced conversion and a few lines stating the "true" meaning of jihad. The examples were selected and intentional, one must read the entire verse to understand what the prophet really meant, the devil's in the details. More of the same dialog of the demented.
Fire bombing churches and embassies, death threats to cartoonist and torching a makeshift likeness of world leaders has become "accepted" behavior by angry muslims. When Rosie O'Donnell "offended" Christians we didn't see death threats tossed her way or burning effigys in St. Peters Square. It's not a matter of respect, it's about living in a civilized world. American's have the freedom to offend and to be offensive. We also understand our actions and offensive behavior carry consequences. Is the western world going to hold the muslim world to the same standard and demand the ummah move into the 21st century. The ummah must put an end to the victim mentality and hold clerics accountable for the actions of their flock. They can't be any more clear when the chants of death are directed toward the western infidels, when are civilized nations going to wake up. Do we need another 9/11, Madrid train and London tube bombing? Their intentions are clear, and they need to be killed before they murder us!
Friday, September 15, 2006
God's Promise

Thursday, September 14, 2006
Happy Birthday Christopher Lewis!

Happy Birthday "Hoffie", I love you more than you'll ever know!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Post 9/11 muslim apology
September 12, 2006 — WELL, here it is, five years late, but here just the same: an apology from an Arab-American for 9/11. No, I didn’t help organize the killers or contribute in any way to their terrible cause. However, I was one of millions of Arab-Americans who did the unspeakable on 9/11: nothing.
The only time I raised my voice in protest against these men who killed thousands of innocents in the name of Allah was behind closed doors, among the safety of friends and family. I did at one point write a very vitriolic essay condemning their actions, but fear of becoming another Salman Rushdie kept me from ever trying to publish it.
Well, I’m sick of saying the truth only in private - that Arabs around the world, including Arab-Americans like myself, need to start holding our own culture accountable for the insane, violent actions that our extremists have perpetrated on the world at large.
Yes, our extremists and our culture.
Every single 9/11 hijacker was Arab and a Muslim. The apologists (including President Bush) tried to reassure us that 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam, but was a twisting of a great and noble religion. With all due respect, read the Koran, Mr. President. There’s enough there for someone of extreme tendencies to find their way to a global jihad.
Emilio Karim Dabul is a freelance writer and PR consultant living in New Jersey.