Sunday, April 30, 2006
"Judgment Day" preparations in the islamic world
Codenamed "Judgment Day" refers to the terrorist response if the Iranian nuclear facilities are attacked by American, British or Israeli military forces. According to Iran, the latest military plan includes
1) A missile strike directly targeting the US bases in the Persian Gulf and Iraq, as soon as nuclear installations are hit.
2) Suicide operations in a number of Arab and Muslim countries against US embassies and missions and US military bases and economic and oil installations related to US and British companies. The campaign might also target the economic and military installations of countries allied with the United States.
3) Launch attacks by the Basij and the Revolutionary Guards and Iraqi fighters loyal to Iran against US and British forces in Iraq, from border regions in central and southern Iraq.
4) Hezbollah to launch hundreds of rockets against military and economic targets in Israel.
The religion of peace is counting on us to help them usher in the mahdi and bring about a perfect islamic society. Here are the signs indicating the emergence of the mahdi;
"Before the appearance of the one who will rise, peace be upon him, the people will be reprimanded for their acts of disobedience by a fire that will appear in the sky and a redness that will cover the sky. It will swallow up Baghdad and will swallow up Kufa. Their blood will be shed and houses destroyed. Death will occur amid their people and a fear will come over the people of Iraq from which they shall have no rest".
"There will be an insurgence by the Sufyani, a descendent of Abu Sufyan. Abu Sufyan is considered by Shias to have been one of Mohammad's greatest enemies, along with his son, Muawiya I and Muawiya's son, Yazid. According to Shia narrations, the Sufyani's revolution will start from Palestine/Jordan, and his reign of tyranny will span the Middle East from Iraq to Egypt.
A loud call from the sky signals the Mahdi's appearance.
Wikipedia is a great reference tool if you want a quick and unbiased definition regarding this death cult (or anything else).
We are dealing with a religion born out of death and war, submission by the sword. A culture that celebrates death and believes allah rewards those who commit suicide. Martyrdom missions during high muslim holy days are extra special and the denial of pleasures here on earth are given to them in paradise. All things an illiterate bedouin would want. Flowing streams of water, date laden palm trees, protection from the sun's excessive heat and the extreme cold of the moon, and let's not forget the virgins. This myth has been passed down for 1400 years and Iran believes it's coming to a climax right now. I hope and pray we are making serious preparations to defend ourselves.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Hizballah child abuse

What would an islamic celebration be if it didn't have an anti-Israel theme?
A Lebanese muslim child carries an effigy of the Star of David with the head of the skeleton of an Israeli soldier where a Lebanese flag and a hizbollah flag were inserted during a rally marking the 10th anniversary of what is known in Lebanon as the "Qana massacre" in front the UN house, in Beirut, Lebanon, on Thursday. Arabic writing on the yellow flag reads "Only the resistance is the answer".
Remember this the next time you hear some sympathizer say "islam is a beautiful, tolerant, peaceful religion", and "our religion has been highjacked by a small number of radicals". We infidels are being doped into thinking this death cult wants to live in peace. It's clear to me, if given the opportunity, they'd murder us all!
Friday, April 28, 2006
Introducing mullah approved beach wear

This may work on beaches in Doha or Jeddah, not so much on Cape Hatteras or Miami. I'm at a loss for words. Here's the link if you care to read it. I just have a few questions:
1) What do men wear while frolicking in the sand?
2) What are they afraid of, do they really believe a man will turn into a raging sex maniac if he sees a strand of hair, ankle or elbow?
3) Wouldn't it be easier to teach self control and interrogate the sexes beginning at, oh say, the dinner table?
4) Will CAIR file a lawsuit if Victoria's Secret or La Bianca refuse to offer it to the modern muslim woman? Can you envision that with angel wings strolling down the cat walk?
5) And finally, what in the world is that bulge on the side of her head?
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Fitness USA caves as CAIR applies pressure

Today CAIR announced Fitness USA will accommodate muslim privacy concerns by providing separate exercise times and areas for women and men. In a statement released this afternoon CAIR Executive Director Dawud Walid had this to say
"We welcome Fitness USA's decision to continue providing a gender privacy accommodation for customers of all faiths"
All faiths, when was the last time you heard CAIR coming out to defend the rights of a Jew or Christian? Apparently it didn't take long for Fitness USA to realize they were no match for the "terrorist" likes of Dawud Walid when they met last week to "discuss" the women's concerns.
Little by little, they are using the threat of a lawsuit to intimidate companies, school districts and local recreation centers to conform to the islamic culture. The last time I checked this was the United States of America, and immigrants assimilate to our culture. If you long for your homeland, use your entrepreneurial spirit and open a restaurant or financial institution.
Italians, Poles, French, Germans and dare I say, Mexicans have yet to form the Council on American Italian, Polish, French, German or Mexican Relations. Okay, I get it now, it's about their religious rights. Why then does CAIR always come out and scream racial discrimination or ethnic profiling?
The more we give the more they'll remake and this country will be unrecognizable.
20 years ago it was Chernobyl
I came across this site a few years ago. It's a journal by a Russian girl on a "motorbike", as she calls it, as she travels thru the ghost town that is Chernobyl. Her pictures and comments are awesome. Everything is still "hot" and remains untouched since the evacuation.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
CAIR vs. Robertson - Part II
It sounds like Pat's been reading my blog. I have to applaud the effort put forth by the good reverend. He is willing to speak the truth and take a stand against the evil that is islam.
What I find disingenuous, besides the contact guidelines, is the implication that thousands of "insulted" muslims just happened to be channel surfing and caught the reverend during his islamophobic rant and that these muslims were incensed enough to pen emails and make phone calls expressing their "collective" outrage. Wouldn't the media outlet be more receptive if the feedback was disconnected and non-scripted? I believe if CAIR didn't prompt these "outrage" campaigns their ultimate goal, an islamic United States, could not be achieved.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Pure Evil

Female relatives sob and clutch photos of their hero, a mock burial for the young man who blew himself up in Tel Aviv. The single sacrificial body, a vehicle really, intended to murder and maim as many innocent people as possible.
The methods used by these "holy warriors" is both cruel and horrifying when we know the mechanics of the bomb. Ball bearings and nails, nuts and bolts, packed tightly into crudely fashioned pipe bombs when detonated propel with a bullets speed. Over the years oppressed muslims have perfected the art of murder, metal shrapnel soaked in rat poison, causing the victim to hemorrhage to death before they reach a hospital. Plastic is also used because it's undetected by x-rays thus slowly killing the victim due to lack of treatment.
Sophisticated, no.... Lethal, extremely!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Hamas wants apology for Tel Aviv bombing
This is more "blame the victim". They can't fight the planes and tanks so they use their bodies to defend themselves. Poor, pitiful muslims. Time and again Israel has tried to broker peace with these thugs only to see Jews murdered, lives destroyed and the dream of coexisting with the very people who want you exterminated, shattered. Less than a year ago Gaza was evacuated and the IDF withdrawn, not enough. Plans to turn the West Bank over the disfunctional government of the "Palestinian Authority" will bring about a fruitless harvest in the quest for peace. Israel is alone in this fight, a struggle everyday for her very existence. The impotent UN is silent only when the attacks are toward the Jews. Not a word was uttered to rebut the Iranian nutter as he threatens the lives of an entire member nation. Those who call for a "diplomatic resolution" to the conflict really have no solution. When Israel reaches across the table they always wonder if they'll get their hand chopped off. The only solution the muslims want is the destruction of the State of Israel, period. How many more kamikaze muslims will it take to eliminate the Jews?
Monday, April 17, 2006
The "Religion of Peace" strikes again!

Morning broke with the report of a suicide bomber in Tel Aviv. Depending on the news outlet, you may have heard the death cult member described as a "Palestine militant". The reports I've been panning called him what he was, a terrorist. Then again, I got my news from the Israeli web sites. Islamic jihad, in a call to the Associated Press, is taking credit for the murders. No doubt Israel will respond with hell fire missiles and the press will describe it as a "targeted attack" on palestinian militants, depending on the news outlet of course.
This murderous action is not surprising, the leaders of hamas and islamic jihad just received a vote of confidence from the Iranian "nutter in chief" last week when he announced his plans for Israel, and the terrorist have responded to the call. Lest we westerners feel slighted, the TimesOnline reported that Iran has formed battalions of suicide bombers to strike at British and American targets if the nation's nuclear sites are attacked.
The saber rattling is getting loud and their objectives are clear. Death to Israel, death to the West.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
CAIR releases statement on Al-Arian deportation
"We welcome the decision not to retry Professor Al-Arian. We are concerned however that the price paid for his freedom is deportation to another country, an additional burden on a family that has suffered tremendously over the past few years. The negative impact this tragic episode has had on the image of our legal system worldwide warrants a complete re-examination of government policies and procedures in such cases."
Hmmm, a complete re-examination of governement policies and procedures. A RE-examination, to me, means an examination of the policies and procedures have already taken place. Right? By whom, CAIR? Why are they examining our policies and procedures?
Ahmadinejad: Israel will be eliminated
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Judge Charlene Mekled Elder
Mr Hagmann brilliantly articulates the Judicial Quandary in Michigan brought on by the appointment of the first female muslim judge. America finds herself in at a crossroads.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
CAIR in the pursuit of "tolerance"
A car load of muslims are detained at the border after attending a 3 day islamic conference, and CAIR calls on the DOJ to investigate the claims of racial profiling. Muslim family members make false statements to police about their daughters "fender bender" and CAIR is asking why she was arrested if not for their ethnicity. When a 20 year old illegal Moroccan threatens to "blow up" USF, CAIR beat a path to the local papers with this statement "It's just sad that he would be treated as some sort of criminal or terrorist".
What I find sad is the constant guilt trip thrust upon the American public as CAIR and the islamic community embrace the victim status. Insult or assault, CAIR is behind the victim insisting the perp is guilty and the system be dissected and overhauled, never to commit the offence again. Before investigators are called to the crime scene, local catholic and lutheran priests are standing in solidarity with imams calling for an end to the "hate".
If CAIR believes America needs a cultural make-over, why are they opposed to a wall? CAIR and the islamic community must be confused as to the objective of the border barrier, and they're free to leave at any time!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Iran joins the nuclear club!
Ahmadinejad is a madman with a nuke and MAD (mutually assured destruction) does not apply. These people are ready to die for their faith, yes I said faith. This is not about a peaceful nuclear program in the hopes to supply the oil rich nation with electricity. No, this is about ushering in the 12th imam of islamic prophesy. Shortly after his election, Ahmadinejad spoke of his strong belief in the second coming of muslims' "hidden" 12th Imam. According to shiite muslim teaching, Abul-Qassem Mohammad, the 12th leader whom shiites consider descended from the prophet mohammed, disappeared in 941 but will return at the end of time to lead an era of islamic justice. Chaos will usher in the arrival of this eschatology figure, the redeemer of islam who will change the world into a perfect islamic society.
Here's a link so you can educate yourself on the islamic doomsday prophesy.
Iranian clerics, Ahmadinejad and his cabinet members have signed a contract pledging themselves to work for the return of the Mahdi.
This is the mind of the man with a nuke!
Monday, April 10, 2006
Beginning of the end for Michigan?
Am I being a chicken little on this issue? Maybe, but you put all these issues together and this great nation will no longer be the land of the free!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Inmates have a right to oxen & camel
Say good-bye to Karnak
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
NBC trying to make UP the news again - Target: NASCAR
They want to do the same thing 2 or 3 other times (in various parts of the USA) with one or two Muslim men in each setting. They are looking for men who actually "look Muslim". They want a guy with no foreign accent whatsoever, a good thick beard, an outgoing personality, and someone willing to wear a kufi/skullcap during the filming.
Apparently NBC already filmed 2 turbaned sikh men attending a football game, and they had a couple of burka clad sisters, a.k.a. arm candy, for the lucky candidates.
What really irks me is that they're targeting NASCAR because fans are stereotyped as rednecks. Well, I'm a NASCAR fan and have been since the early 70's. Maybe these fans are more patriotic and God fearing. If you tune in to the opening moments, prior to the famous "gentlemen, start your engines", you'll hear the national anthem and an invocation from a local pastor. This is the only sport with it's own religious outreach, The Chapel at the Tracks, as it was called in the "olden days". Today it's known as Raceway Ministries.
It seems NBC is trying to capitalize on the poll results showing Americans see islam in a negative light by staging these muslim props in non-muslim events. How desperate are they for ratings?
This isn't the first time NBC has set up the news. Do you remember the canoe girl?
Monday, April 03, 2006
Suicide bomber at Tim Hortons
5 Saudi woman get sex change
ask the imam!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
My Borders Waldenbooks Boycott
You would think a company that makes it's money off freedom of press wouldn't be actively censoring itself out of fear and the threat of violence. Who is going to stand up for free speech if we can't count on a book store? No other group commands more rights and tolerance, not out of past repression but out of fear. Boycotts, law suits and the threat of violence are the weapons muslims use to gain rights and respect. And businesses cave, who want bad press?
Where does this islamic activism stem? I have a theory. The muslim community has low self esteem. We all know the muslim faith is based on deeds, works and total obedience to the stringent laws in the koran. If allah commands it and I fail how can I ever be worthy to enter paradise? If it wasn't possible to achieve why would allah command it? In the eyes of allah I must be a horrible creature because I continue to fail in my obedience to his requirements. A muslims entire life is centered on gaining entrance to paradise. Everything I need to know in relation to ones life is based in the koran. How, where and when I pray, what I can wear, when I can have sex. You're even allowed to tell a lie, kill and take slaves. How's that for a moral compass? Is it any wonder they can't live up to those types of expectations? There is no saving grace, no forgiveness. You can't even have a personal relationship with the god of islam, it's blasphemy. If everthing you did was based on whether or not you went to heaven it would make one angry and insane. What muslims fail to see, or aren't allowed to believe, is that we are imperfect beings prone to temptation and failure. Where does a muslim go when they sin? Hell, Christians go to God and ask to be forgiven.