Thursday, April 22, 2010
The dancing boys of Afghanistan.......
Friday, February 26, 2010
I've been shamed...... by Malott
So in an effort to salvage my reputation I’m posting a pictorial, since Bekah loves pictures. Topic; the vein of my new existence, inclement weather commuting in what I affectionately call the "C-bus".

Sunday, February 14, 2010
I'm still here.....
Debbie Schlussel continues to be one of the best islam watch blogs around. Timely and accurate, Schlussel reports from the biggest islamic hot spot in America. Check her out.
In other news, CAIR-LA wants the charges leveled against 11 students dropped after they protested disrupted a speech given by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren. Of course CAIR believes their religion caused these muslims to be detained. Check out the video of these asses. Yep, these muslims have a lot of class..... morons.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Justice Alito's "Not True" moment
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
A must read; taqiyya & political islam's rules of war
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Monday, January 04, 2010
CAIR comes out against profiling, shocker!
Pointing to the last time an infidel blew-up a building, Awad plays the Tim McVeigh card saying; “In 1995, after bombing the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City, Timothy McVeigh was able to flee while officers operated on the false theory that “Arab terrorists” had committed the attack.”
While I disagree with the good chairman’s position, Awad concludes by offering alternatives to strip searching the ummah before boarding a plane. The most effective being behavior analysis. El Al and the State of Israel have employed this tactic and have been successful in keeping the airways safe. Undercover agents and manned cameras combing the airport for would-be terrorists would be an effective addition to the TSA. I, for one, love to people watch and would jump at the chance to profile look for suspicious behavior.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas!
As you can tell by my lack of blogging, I've been busy. The new job, preparing for Christmas and general family stuff seem to be a priority. I hope everyone has a blessed Christmas!
*Click images to enlarge, and enjoy these photos from Obetz!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
CAIR and the ummah help the FBI
I have quite a few thoughts on this “dog and pony show” CAIR, MAS, MPAC and imam Jahori abdul-Malik put on for the press. The families are called “courageous” for coming forward to report their missing “yutes”, the same suspects arrested in Pakistan on terror charges. Prior to the arrests, CAIR helped obtain legal counsel for these families while working with the FBI, to preserve their civil rights. This turned out to be an opportunity for CAIR to appear cooperative by a mere phone call to authorities. Nihad Awad has viewed the video and was “disturbed” by its content. Awad goes on to admit “problems” exist in the ummah and announced a major campaign to refute the misuse of koran verses and certain "grievances" in the muslim world. This campaign, of course, involves education. No details were given on what this would encompass or who is involved in teaching the new islamic world view to muslims residing in America.
In closing, these muslim leaders called for tolerance and not to rush to judgment. Citing the “cottage industry” who’ll seek to exploit this case and marginalize muslims. It seems to me, the ummah needs no help in perpetuating the bad PR around the world.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
5 DC area muslim men missing
"Federal investigators are searching for a Howard University dental student and four other missing Muslim men reported missing from the Washington, D.C. area, the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) has learned. There is concern they may have been sent abroad to train for jihad. The five were last seen November 29.
The identities of two of the missing men, Howard student Ramy Zamzam and Waqar Khan, have been mentioned in online postings, including a Facebook page that was set up Monday for friends to offer their support. Some of those pages, however, appear restricted to friends and associates.
It is not clear where the men are believed to have gone, but an informed source told the IPT that at least one left behind a farewell video."
And we all know what happens after those farewell, martyrdom videos are made.....