Friday, March 31, 2006
Old & New Testament to be taught in Georgia HS's
Monday, March 27, 2006
UNC chapel Hill to hold vigil....for muslim students
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Iowa begins construction on muslim youth camp
That was in 2002. Here we are 4 years later and the project is going forward with the help from our Army Corp of Engineers. What this really shows me is islamic patience. MYCA put this proposal in place shortly after the 9/11 attacks. Of course America would be suspicious, our wounds have yet to fully heal. The liberal left racing to save global face with overwhelming support for the project citing our "tolerance" and their enlightened stance on this war on terror. The headlines only lasted a few weeks and the American psyche has attention deficit disorder and moves on to other issues. Now, 4 years later, the MSM reports they're breaking ground. It will be a beautiful site among the amber waves of grain, corn silos and a mosque minaret, calling those faithful campers to prayer.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Anti-CAIR scores a victory
The details of the settlement have not been made public, but I have a sinking feeling Hooper and his gang of terrorist thugs bit off a little more than they could chew and were unprepared to prove the statements false. By their own words, the statements posted by Whitehead are true. CAIR, like Saddam and Osama, believed the opposition would back down from their hollow threat. If every small town, school system and corporation could muster the courage to stand up to this organization, CAIR would find themselves out of business. In most cases, the treat of a law suit written on CAIR stationary is all it takes to bring about a reversal in our long standing traditions or forced sensitivity training. All these small victories for CAIR add up to mass casualties for America. This is a victory for America and those of us trying to expose CAIR and islam for what it is, an evil intolerant ideology.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Minnesota is on the march to "Dhimmitude"
Sensitivity training for the entire staff and a muzzle for the teacher. That's right, in an effort to teach students the perils of censorship a Roseville Minnesota high school librarian upset a muslim student. As part of his presentation, the librarian took a stack of books, including the koran, and put them in a box decorated with "fire" like construction paper. The simple implication that the koran would be burned was enough to cause this student "pain". Once the student come forward with her complaint, the school system immediately issued the obligatory apology and advised the teacher not to comment. Before CAIR could pile on this heap, authorities announced the entire staff would undergo sensitivity training. Wasn't that the meaning behind the censorship lesson? American's have a right in this country to offend without being censored. But the other students were denied the benefit of learning a valuable citizenship lesson. What do the students think of censorship now, islamic sensitivity trumps our freedoms and rights? That's what I learned.
I see a pattern developing in this country. The liberal left, in an effort to turn America into Europe [except when it comes to nuclear energy] are so eager to appease these people hoping they will someday reciprocate and assimilate as millions of minorities have in the past. This is a moonbat pipe dream, they will never assimilate and tolerate the values of other's. Methods used in Europe to gain special rights and privileges by muslims won't be used here. As you can see muslims are using our own laws and judicial system to obtain what they desire. Little by little they are picking up speed and gaining ground in this battle. Sanity and common sense is been interpreted as ignorance and intolerance. America is being forced to elevate the muslim populous by legal proxy. In the end the muslim parasite will kill their American host.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Ahhh, the beauty of islam
The second nugget comes to us from Pakistan. Again we'll see the tolerance of islamic law at work. Over 80% of the 6000 women on trial in that country are being charged with Hudud. These women are being charged with adultery for being raped. Are you pulling your hair out yet?
Besides being absent from the MSM, these stories are missing the support of Code Pink, NOW and the UN commission on human rights. Where's the Hollywood elite who petitioned clemency for the likes of Tookie Williams? What about Amnesty International? Where's the Rachel Corries and her International Solidarity Movement for these causes? Where's GLAD and PFLAG? Where's NBC, CBS and ABC. You guys like "breaking" the cutting edge stories. Of course we won't see the champions of the looney left highlighting these "Tolerant and Glorious" examples of islam on PBS, 60 minutes and 20/20. Nope, they're to busy trying to educate the populace on the equality and peaceful teachings of the muslim faith.
Update 7:59pm
I ran across this debate between Dr. Daniel Pipes and Dr. Muqtedar Khan on, of all places, the PBS website. Dr. Khan shows the dilusional belief in a "perfect" islamic society under sharia. Make no mistake, Dr. Khan is not the only muslim in America bent on transforming this country and the world.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Salvation is a Gift
Later that night while in reflection, I thought of the pain our Lord feels every time someone passes away without Him in their heart. God being God, he could have made us mortals totally devoted to Him, could he not? Total obedience to the Creator in a world he made perfect. But He didn't. He gave us free will and the ability to accept or reject Him. God knows all of His creations and I'd imagine His heart breaks every time one of us reject Him. But God will not keep us against our will and we, like the pregnant wife, are free to refuse the gift of His Salvation. Like this acquaintance of mine, the Lord is longing for the return of His loved ones, not by force but of our own free will. True love and devotion.
Just an observation.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Documents link Saddam to OBL
Once the documents were made public, translators across the blogosphere will show the world the war in Iraq was justified and necessary. I don't expect the White House to be inundated with Western Union apologies from Hollywood, Nashville or the Kennedy compound for that matter. This revelation will only hand the Bush administration a moral victory and propel his legacy to greatness.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Robertson VS. CAIR
Well duh.... I've been saying that for years.
CAIR wasted no time in releasing an "action alert" email, which I received at 3:00 EST. I'm still waiting for CAIR to call a press conference damning the "Jeep Jihadi" at UNC. Darn spam blocker. I find it so amazing that the very actions that normal folks see as evil and demonic, are blamed on our lack of understanding. If I read in the koran "And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for allah" (koran 2:190-193), what am I to make of this? Sounds like "domination" to me. The koran is chock full of verses demanding total submission to islam by the sword. Sharia law allows for conquered people to pay the "jizya" and become a "dhimmi". The jizya tax is intended to humiliate the Christian or Jew living under muslim rule. Again, it sounds like total domination to me.
I posted some time ago that "islam is incompatible with tolerance". We hold muslims to a lower standard of accepted behavior. A behavior taught in the koran. During his trial in London the infamous Finsbury Park iman "Captain Hook" Hamza's defense team handed out korans to the jurors and explained that "Captain imam Hook" was simply interpretatng the holy book. Defense attorney Fitzgerald continued "It is said he was preaching murder, but he was actually preaching from the Koran itself". Really? Ain't that same thing Pat Robertson believes?
Omar Ahmad, co-founder of CAIR, said in a statement "Those who stay in America should be open to society without melting, keeping Mosques open so anyone can come and learn about Islam. If you choose to live here, you have a responsibility to deliver the message of Islam ... Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth." Hmmmm, sounds like domination to me. Am I just cherry picking from a quote? No I'm not. Another CAIR spokesman, Ibrahim Hooper, had this to say about turning America into an islamic state "I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future...But I'm not going to do anything violent to promote that. I'm going to do it through education." This and more can be found on the site called "Anti-CAIR".
If Pat Robertson is silenced then there is little hope for the rest of us. America and the west continues to bend over backwards in an attempt to tame the "savage beast" that is islam, to no avail. The liberal left is all to eager to help promote their agenda by eliminating God from the American public square. This push for a quasi secular society and islamic activist groups demanding special religous rights, in the name of equality, will prime us all for islamic submission, dhimmitude. It's not a coincidence "Americans United for the Separation of Church and State" are the first ones calling for Pat's Head on a silver platter while criticizing the Bush administration for his faith based funding. Do you think Lynn and the gang gave radical imans a hand in prision conversions, in an effort to protect our civil liberties? The irony of it all is, the first ones to suffer the islamic sharia wrath will be the same liberals pushing gay marriage, abortion and a woman's right to "whatever". The islamic faith is intolerant, even intolerant of the ones helping them achieve world domination.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Ancient city found at Kana of the Galilee

Friday, March 10, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Americans have a negative perception of islam?
The poll found that nearly half of Americans -- 46 percent -- have a negative view of Islam, seven percentage points higher than in the tense months after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, when Muslims were often targeted for violence.
When muslims were often targeted for violence? What violence? I think the American people acted in a dignified manner in light of the 3000 murders. We had 1 incident in the greater Cleveland area following the attacks. A man drove his car through the doors of a mosque. That's it! Nothing like the thug like, murderous behavior demonstrated in the muslim community when a koran is flushed, a mosque gets blown up (by other muslims) or the printing of a couple cartoons.
My daily CAIR email says education is the key to improving perceptions. Hummm... That's interesting because the more I learn about the RoP the more I see that the "radicals" are usually the true muslims, living what the koran says. Anyway, they go on to reveal the results of their poll.
An independent survey by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) shows that some one-fourth (23 to 27 percent) of Americans consistently believe stereotypes such as: "Muslims value life less than other people," and "The Muslim religion teaches violence and hatred." Those with the most negative attitudes toward Islam tended to be older, less-educated and politically conservative.
This is typical blame the victim. The islamic faith is simply misunderstood (by old, stupid republicans.)
I suppose when your fellow believers are active in the production of infidel snuff films, homicide bombings and determined to wipe Israel off the map the stigma is a bit tough to overcome. Even among old, stupid republicans.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
UNC Chapel Hill "Jeep Jihadi" may face federal terrorism charges

Monday, March 06, 2006
Holland to return Iranian gays and Christian converts
Supreme court upheld Solomon Amendment
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Al Qaeda's number 2 encourages cartoon jihad

Does anyone else see the twisted logic this "religion" perpetuates? How can normal, God fearing people respect them with a belief system so bent on destruction and death? No wonder they feel inferior to all other religions.