The gull of this organization boggles the mind. I can not understand how they are allowed to operate in the United States when they clearly support terrorist.
Friday, June 30, 2006
CAIR condemns kidnapping
When I received my CAIR daily whine-o-gram yesterday I thought I was going to have to eat crow and post the statement by CAIR in which they condemn the kidnappings. But as they say, the devil is in the details. The kidnappings being condemned are the palestinian terrorist captured by the Israeli Defense Forces, not the 2 civilians and 1 soldier abducted by the democratically elected government in the Gaza Strip. When you read the statement issued by the terror linked muslim civil rights group, you'll see there is no mention or condemnation of the actions by the palestinians that started this retaliatory action by Israel.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
CAIR Says Targeting of Gaza Infrastructure a "War Crime"
Yesterday CAIR issued a press release calling the targeted military strikes in Gaza "war crimes" and asked the Bush administration to condemn the action by Israel. No where in the statement does the terror supporting muslim civil rights group mention the kidnapping of an IDF soldier that prompted the military action. No calls for his safe return. CAIR does not condemn the 2 other kidnappings, the constant rocket attacks against Israel, or the use of human shields by palestinian terrorists. Nope, no press release calling for "peace". CAIR is quick to point out the fact hamas was elected by the people and should be internationally recognized. Insisting they're not militants, loosely linked to hamas. If they want to be a state, that means taking responsibility for their elected "terrorist" government. The action today is a direct result of that election. When you play with the bull, sooner or later you'll get the horns.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Wednesday day trip to Ocracoke

It's been a tradition, our Hatteras vacation Wednesday means a day trip to Ocracoke (pronounced O-Kra-Coke) Island. The day starts with a drive to Hatteras landing ferry dock located at the southern most point on Hatteras Island. Access to the island is attainable only by ferry. Once our SUV is loaded on the boat, we settle in for an hour ride across the Hatteras inlet to the Ocracoke ferry dock where we are off loaded and another hour drive begins. The scenery is beautiful, the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Pamlico Sound on the other. Wild horses inhabit the island and can be seen running along the beach.
Ocracoke is the home to Blackbeard's final resting place. Teach's Hole Blackbeard Exhibit is a must see, EVERY year. After a quick tour of the museum and gift shop, you gotta get your picture taken in the cut-out Blackbeard located outside the museum. Then it's on to about 10 other gift and specialty shops conveniently located on the walking loop that is Ocracoke. The entire island can be walked in about 3 hours if you don't stop at any shops. Another favorite stop is Ocracoke Island Hammock Company. Not that we're interested in buying a hammock, rather, located behind the shop is CANDYLAND! Every kind of candy, fudge and soda can be found there. Long forgotten favorites like candy cigarettes, (the real ones with the paper and powered smoke) wax lips, pop rocks, candy lipstick and FREE fudge samples! Again, this place is a must see every year.
With arm loads of souvenirs, we head back to the truck to off load our "booty" and make our way to the Creekside Cafe for a late lunch / early dinner. Located on the upper level of Ocracoke Coffee Company and Island Smoothie, the scene from the open air cafe is fantastic, every seat has a harbor view. Once we all have a full stomach it's off to the famous Ocracoke lighthouse. It's a short walk from the cafe and allows your food to settle before we make the 2 plus hour trek back to the house and the end to another wonderful vacation day full of memories.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Beach etiquette

It never fails, every year one of the kids will come out of the ocean in search of a towel. When we arrive at seashore the adults will set up their beach chairs for maximum sun and within an arms reach of the cooler. The kids however, just toss their gear on the sand and run to the waters edge. After a while they'll return and a collective NO can be heard for at least 100 yards. It doesn't matter where we're sitting, the first child from the water will pick up their towel and shake. They are ALWAYS up wind from the relaxing, freshly oiled adults who are now scrambling to remove sand from their eyes and liquid beverages. Once the damage is done and we're all feeling like human sandpaper, the child is redirected to an area BEHIND the relaxing adults where ones towel can be shaken as vigorously as needed.
It seems this first unfortunate child fails to spread the word to the others and once the relaxing adults are again freshly oiled a wet kid will emerge to temporarily blind the sitting victims.
This occurs every beach visit, and every child will do it at least once during the vacation. Thankfully no ones been blinded and only a minimal loss of beverages. We all understand sand is a wonderful part of the beach experience, let's all do our part to keep it on the ground.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Vacation count down - 6 Days

This time next week I will be waking up on Hatteras Island. Seagulls, pounding surf and new for this year, the hum of a pool filter will fill my ears when I step outside to gage the days humidity. We've been vacationing there for the last ten years. Plans start being made in January when the new reality rental book arrives. It takes about a week for all parties involved to agree on which house we'll rent. The coveted July 4th week is a must. Last year was the first time in ten years I watched fireworks from my back yard and not the upper deck of a beach house. We go in halves with my brothers family, my sons Godfather and usually 2 friends for my niece and son. Nine of us total. This year the house we picked has a pool. We've never had a pool in all the years we've been making the 14 hour drive to North Carolina's outer banks. I hope we'll still go to the beach!
If you get an opportunity to visit, you'll agree, it's the most relaxing place on the east coast.
Friday, June 23, 2006
The silence is deafening
As America struggles to come to grips with the brutality of an enemy we can't easily identify, two families prepare for a homecoming. A celebration to the sacrifice these young men offered their nation. Details regarding the final days, ugly as they are, have gone largely unreported by media outlets. If you call the one day Bush bashing hiatus a mourning period, it was business as usual with all the usual suspects calling for implementation of the democratic cut and run war strategy. What a way to honor our newly fallen hero's.
Hussam Ayloush, executive director for CAIR in Southern California, wrote an op-ed published by the Anniston Star. Citing statistics from Amnesty International, the Institute of Medicine and left wing professors Ayloush makes a case for closing Gitmo in the wake of 3 terrorist suicides. Depression must have consumed these holy warriors, pushing them to commit the ultimate islamic sin. Describing the "torture" endured by the detainees include shackling prisoners, stripping them, covering them with hoods and blindfolds, using dogs and subjecting detainees to harsh temperatures. What, no twisting of limbs, cigarette burns or emasculating removal of their privates? A stark contrast to the treatment our servicemen received at the hands of their captors. At the end of the day, these jihadis live to see another caribbean sunset.
The entire article is gushing with contempt and self righteous indignation. Closing Gitmo would bring an end to a "dark chapter in our modern history".
Still no word from American "moderate muslims" condemning the evil committed in the name of islam. Not even the usual lip service line, "they don't represent our religion", served up for media consumption, to regurgitate for the public, asking for "tolerance" and warning law enforcement officials of anti-muslim backlash. They think we're weak, and our resolve is waning. This is a fight not only for our nation but all civilization.
Hussam Ayloush, executive director for CAIR in Southern California, wrote an op-ed published by the Anniston Star. Citing statistics from Amnesty International, the Institute of Medicine and left wing professors Ayloush makes a case for closing Gitmo in the wake of 3 terrorist suicides. Depression must have consumed these holy warriors, pushing them to commit the ultimate islamic sin. Describing the "torture" endured by the detainees include shackling prisoners, stripping them, covering them with hoods and blindfolds, using dogs and subjecting detainees to harsh temperatures. What, no twisting of limbs, cigarette burns or emasculating removal of their privates? A stark contrast to the treatment our servicemen received at the hands of their captors. At the end of the day, these jihadis live to see another caribbean sunset.
The entire article is gushing with contempt and self righteous indignation. Closing Gitmo would bring an end to a "dark chapter in our modern history".
Still no word from American "moderate muslims" condemning the evil committed in the name of islam. Not even the usual lip service line, "they don't represent our religion", served up for media consumption, to regurgitate for the public, asking for "tolerance" and warning law enforcement officials of anti-muslim backlash. They think we're weak, and our resolve is waning. This is a fight not only for our nation but all civilization.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Crow anyone?
Here it is, the smoking gun as it were, proof WMD were present in Iraq. Documents released yesterday show over 500 sarin and mustard gas bombs were discovered in Iraq since 2003. The liberal media is silent on the news and only FOX has mentioned the story. So, to all those who believe we were lied into a war we didn't need to fight are you now prepared to support our troops and the mission? I thought not.....
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Soldiers were tortured before murdered
Is anyone surprised? I prayed we could have found these two brave servicemen before the inevitable happened. Be honest, you kinda knew if they weren't rescued their beheaded, tortured bodies would've been found on some street in Iraq. The early reports say the soldiers were tortured and the language in the statement suggested they were beheaded. This "behavior" is typical, we seen if before and we'll see it again. These "holy warriors", the practitioners of the "religion of peace" are evil. Will CAIR call a press conference to condemn this evil deed done in the name of allah and islam? The statement, if one is forthcoming, will be a dialog of the demented condemning the tactics while validating the motives.
I want to know why we are expected to follow a uniform code of military conduct when the enemy we're fighting places zero value on human life? Why are we so freakin' worried if Ahmed down in Gitmo gets a koran, a prayer rug and goat prepared the "muslim" way for his holy days? Focus on the positive, we actually keep our prisoners alive.
Our military is under constant attack for lack of "sensitivity" toward the cultural values sacred to the members of this death cult. What values? When these acts of evil are committed in the name of islam, what principles are being violated, what bounds are transgressed? None! All is done for the glory of allah and following the example of their murderous, rapist, pedophile prophet as per their holy text.
I want to know why we are expected to follow a uniform code of military conduct when the enemy we're fighting places zero value on human life? Why are we so freakin' worried if Ahmed down in Gitmo gets a koran, a prayer rug and goat prepared the "muslim" way for his holy days? Focus on the positive, we actually keep our prisoners alive.
Our military is under constant attack for lack of "sensitivity" toward the cultural values sacred to the members of this death cult. What values? When these acts of evil are committed in the name of islam, what principles are being violated, what bounds are transgressed? None! All is done for the glory of allah and following the example of their murderous, rapist, pedophile prophet as per their holy text.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
CAIR condemns marine video

On Monday, CAIR issued for immediate release, a statement condemning the marine video also known as "Hadji girl." I had to do a late night log on to view the video due to high volume. Once the 40 minute download was complete, I have to tell ya, I just don't see what all the fuss is about. Granted, the video could be called crude or an error in judgment but not offensive, or at least I was not offended. It was a parody of "Team America, World Police" nothing to bring about the type of congressional investigation CAIR is calling for in their statement. In a fit of anger and medicated rage, I emailed the Nick Berg beheading to Mr. Ibrahim Hooper to see if a statement would be forth coming from the islamic civil rights group. I gave them the benefit of doubt that the condemnation email had not been issued or was still being proof read. I'll keep you posted if I receive a letter from a CAIR official apologizing for the error, don't hold your breath. The week long "jihad" waged by the communications director against one of our marines is hypocritical. Muslims, armed with a camcorder, have always recorded their handiwork for jihadi training and recruiting websites. This is nothing new for the evil forces we're facing around the globe. From the Cole bombing and IED explosions in Iraq, these masked cowards claim to due "gods will", citing verses from the koran which give us proof they are in fact doing what muslims are called to do. In statements read behind the petrified victim, the holy warriors shout "allah is greatest", and the bloody orgasmic frenzy is filmed for distribution and future viewing. CAIR has been eerily silent on the various snuff films produced in the name of islam.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Raise your property value, display our national flag
Today is flag day in America, and I was reminded of a song by the late, great Johnny Cash. My father has an extensive collection of vintage country, blue grass and rock-a billy vinyl records. Being a "fly boy" United States Air Force veteran, this song would be played on Memorial Day and Forth of July celebrations hosted by my family.

This week I was also reminded of our national colors when a member of our community decorated their home and yard in celebration to a fallen hero, their son. A life size portrait of Mark and at least 100 flags decorated the property. A huge sign on the tree lawn invited any and all to stop and pay tribute this young man. Marine Sgt. Mark Smykowski will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery on Tuesday.
I walked through a county courthouse square
On a park bench, an old man was sittin' there.
I said, "Your old court house is kinda run down,
He said, "Naw, it'll do for our little town".
I said, "Your old flag pole is leaned a little bit,
And that's a ragged old flag you got hangin' on it".
He said, "Have a seat", and I sat down,
"Is this the first time you've been to our little town"
I said, "I think it is"
He said "I don't like to brag, but we're kinda proud of
That Ragged Old Flag"
You see, we got a little hole in that flag there,
When Washington took it across the Delaware.
And It got powder burned the night Francis Scott Key sat watching it, writing
"Say Can You See"
It got a rip in New Orleans, with Packingham & Jackson tugging at its seams.
And It almost fell at the Alamo beside the Texas flag,
But she waved on though.
She got cut with a sword at Chancellorsville,
And she got cut again at Shiloh Hill.
There was Robert E. Lee and Beauregard and Bragg,
And the south wind blew hard on
That Ragged Old Flag
"On Flanders Field in World War I,
She got a big hole from a Bertha Gun,
She turned blood red in World War II
She hung limp, and low, a time or two,
She was in Korea, Vietnam,
She went where she was sent by her Uncle Sam.S
he waved from our ships upon the briny foam and now they've about quit wavin' back here at home in her own good land here
She's been abused,
She's been burned, dishonored, denied an' refused,
And the government for which she stands
Has been scandalized throughout out the land.
And she's getting thread bare, and she's wearin' thin,
But she's in good shape, for the shape she's in.
Cause she's been through the fire before and I believe she can take a whole lot more.
"So we raise her up every morning
And we bring her down slow every night,
We don't let her touch the ground,
And we fold her up right.
On second thought I do like to brag
Cause I'm mighty proud of
That Ragged Old Flag"
Monday, June 12, 2006
al-Zarqawi lived for 52 minutes!
The results are in and the autopsy showed al-Zarqawi lived for 52 minutes after being on the wrong end of two 500 pound bombs. In a statement following the autopsy, the results showed
al-Zarqawi's injuries were consistent with having 2 bombs dropped on your hideout. I am of course, paraphrasing the generals words. Is this whole investigation into how the 3rd most wanted terrorist met allah the biggest waste of time and money? I'm just grateful we won't have to go through another circus of a trial with American taxpayers footin' the bill to house, feed, provide spiritual guidance and materials to this religious warrior, not to mention an opportunity for Ramsey Clark to defend yet another international criminal.
al-Zarqawi's injuries were consistent with having 2 bombs dropped on your hideout. I am of course, paraphrasing the generals words. Is this whole investigation into how the 3rd most wanted terrorist met allah the biggest waste of time and money? I'm just grateful we won't have to go through another circus of a trial with American taxpayers footin' the bill to house, feed, provide spiritual guidance and materials to this religious warrior, not to mention an opportunity for Ramsey Clark to defend yet another international criminal.
NSA on trial
CAIR issued today's "whine-o-gram", gleefully announcing the commencement of court proceedings challenging the constitutionality of the NSA wiretapping program. In January, the ACLU, CAIR and several individuals, who said they feared the government was spying on them, filed a 60-page lawsuit seeking to have the warrantless wiretapping program declared unconstitutional. This case is allowed to go forward absent any evidence the individuals were targeted. Despite the fact we've not experienced an attack, the program was part of that success. Now the government, with terrorist watching, has to disclose secret information to the world. The Canadian secret service should be called to testify "snooping works."
Yes, let's give "Ahmed" every benefit of doubt and don't you dare profile or infringe on his civil rights! Have we forgotten who the enemy is here, it's not the US government, it's "Ahmed".
Yes, let's give "Ahmed" every benefit of doubt and don't you dare profile or infringe on his civil rights! Have we forgotten who the enemy is here, it's not the US government, it's "Ahmed".
Thursday, June 08, 2006
al-Zarqawi is dead
The most wanted terrorist and leader of al-Qaida in Iraq was on the wrong end of an American hellfire missile airstrike and ultimately went to meet allah. Early this morning the Iraqi parliament along with General George Casey confirmed the kill. In a joint statement from Baghdad the sweet words were spoken, "Today Zarqawi is has been killed"
If you see or read media reports today, they may include some of the gruesome deeds perpetrated by this murderous thug. The beheading of American Nick Berg will undoubtedly be among those and knowing how left leaning the MSM is they'll seek a statement from his father. I'm willing to bet this bitter, anti-American father will spin this military victory into a Bush bash.
I'll keep you posted on the details.
This a tremendous victory for America, the new Iraqi government and our coalition forces. Putting an end to one of the deadliest months of the war.
I am not one to celebrate death, but I think I may double my monthly charity donation to the USO care packages and Boca Java coffee for the troops. As I logged on to post this morning an email from SPC Kristine Otero, stationed in Iraq, wrote to thank me and 9 others for the coffee they received. It was really hard to read the last line of the correspondence. It said " I have been in Iraq for fo long that I had began top wonder if anyone remembered we were here. Thank you very much for your support. We need more wonderful caring people in this world."
I left the typos in the quote, just as she wrote it. They have not been forgotten, please join me in letting the brave fighting men and women know we support them and their mission.
If you see or read media reports today, they may include some of the gruesome deeds perpetrated by this murderous thug. The beheading of American Nick Berg will undoubtedly be among those and knowing how left leaning the MSM is they'll seek a statement from his father. I'm willing to bet this bitter, anti-American father will spin this military victory into a Bush bash.
I'll keep you posted on the details.
This a tremendous victory for America, the new Iraqi government and our coalition forces. Putting an end to one of the deadliest months of the war.
I am not one to celebrate death, but I think I may double my monthly charity donation to the USO care packages and Boca Java coffee for the troops. As I logged on to post this morning an email from SPC Kristine Otero, stationed in Iraq, wrote to thank me and 9 others for the coffee they received. It was really hard to read the last line of the correspondence. It said " I have been in Iraq for fo long that I had began top wonder if anyone remembered we were here. Thank you very much for your support. We need more wonderful caring people in this world."
I left the typos in the quote, just as she wrote it. They have not been forgotten, please join me in letting the brave fighting men and women know we support them and their mission.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
A man named Muhammad
The following is adapted from The One Year Book of Christian History and thought I would share it with all my loyal readers.
In an age of pluralism, most people assume that all religions have equal access to heaven. One getting much attention today is Islam.
Muhammad, the founder of Islam, the world's youngest major religion, was born in Mecca between 570 and 580.
When he was forty, Muhammad claimed that he received a prophetic call from Allah through the angel Gabriel. He began preaching monotheism, a final judgment, alms, prayer, and surrender to the will of Allah. Persecution in his hometown of Mecca forced him to flee to Medina. Traditionally dated to July 15, 622, that flight, or hegira, marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar.
During his time in Medina, Muhammad's revelations become more legalistic and more secular and Islam, as the new religion was called, became a community and state with Muhammad as ruler and lawgiver.
By the time he died on June 8, 632 , almost all of Arabia embraced Islam. The successors to Muhammad encouraged jihad, or holy war, against non-Muslims and within a century built an empire stretching from Spain all the way across North Africa to India.
In 1900 only 12 percent of the world's population embraced Islam; by 2000 it had grown to 21 percent, partly due to a higher birth rate. Islam is the majority religion in forty-two countries and territories. Most of these countries prohibit Christian evangelism and exclude Christian missionaries, yet since 1980 more Muslims have turned to Christ than in any earlier period in history. Pray that the doors will open even wider and that many more will come to Christ…while there is still time.
In an age of pluralism, most people assume that all religions have equal access to heaven. One getting much attention today is Islam.
Muhammad, the founder of Islam, the world's youngest major religion, was born in Mecca between 570 and 580.
When he was forty, Muhammad claimed that he received a prophetic call from Allah through the angel Gabriel. He began preaching monotheism, a final judgment, alms, prayer, and surrender to the will of Allah. Persecution in his hometown of Mecca forced him to flee to Medina. Traditionally dated to July 15, 622, that flight, or hegira, marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar.
During his time in Medina, Muhammad's revelations become more legalistic and more secular and Islam, as the new religion was called, became a community and state with Muhammad as ruler and lawgiver.
By the time he died on June 8, 632 , almost all of Arabia embraced Islam. The successors to Muhammad encouraged jihad, or holy war, against non-Muslims and within a century built an empire stretching from Spain all the way across North Africa to India.
In 1900 only 12 percent of the world's population embraced Islam; by 2000 it had grown to 21 percent, partly due to a higher birth rate. Islam is the majority religion in forty-two countries and territories. Most of these countries prohibit Christian evangelism and exclude Christian missionaries, yet since 1980 more Muslims have turned to Christ than in any earlier period in history. Pray that the doors will open even wider and that many more will come to Christ…while there is still time.
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