Friday, May 30, 2008
More hate from Trinity United.....
I have to say up front, I’m a Roman Catholic. Never in my 35 plus years attending mass, has a priest acted in such a manner. Clearly Pfleger didn’t follow the order of mass, to say the least. I didn’t hear any Biblical readings or intercessions. His “homily” was nothing more than a racist rant.
This is hate speech, plain and simple.
I understand churches will invite speakers to address the congregation on a variety of issues. Those addresses are usually optional and separate from the odinary services. From what I can gather, this tirade was given during the normal celebration.
Its clear Trinity United is violating their tax exempt status by continuing to endorse a presidential candidate from the pulpit. This sermon was political rhetoric.
I, for one, attend mass to hear the Word of our Lord, a spiritual edification within a community of believers.
Pfleger is a total disgrace and a stain on the Catholic community.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
B. Hussein Obama; Stop Pandering & Ponder this...
Vets For Freedom put B. Hussein Obama, the hamas, hezbollah, Chavez and Castro endorsed democrat candidate, on the spot regarding the defining issue of our time.
This is the best campaign ad I’ve seen in a long time.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Separated at birth......

He bares a striking resemblance to the UN's toothless nuclear watchdog, Mohamed el Baradei.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
CAIR urges "balance" in police training on islam!
CAIR-WA said local Muslims leaders recently met with Chief of Port of Seattle Police Colleen Wilson to express their concerns that the course, which is being taught by a “former Muslim” and claims to be “based on Israeli experience,” will promote stereotypes and religious and ethnic profiling.
(editors note; who better to educate us infidels on radical islam than a former muslim who was indoctrinated to achieve their ultimate goal, wiping Israel off the map)
Among the course’s advertised contents are non-terror-related topics such as: Arab naming conventions, the five pillars of Islam, the “formative phases of the Islamic religion,” and the fast of Ramadan. The course is being taught by a “former Muslim.” Representatives from a number of law enforcement agencies will attend the training.
The Port of Seattle has concluded a two day course conducted by Security Solutions International, "The Threat of Islamic Jihadists to the World". The program is billed as an insightful look into the formative phases of islam, its different branches, radical islam and how to respond to terrorist acts.
(editors note; will muslims also benefit from the first responder training in a tragic terrorist event?)
Once the training program came to light and found no disadvantages to the training, CAIR relied on their tried and true tactic of character (and program) assignation. Indicating the course may be engaged in islamic racial profiling and stereotyping. And true to form WA. capitulated, allowing CAIR to get their foot in the door by a intimated threat of a discrimination lawsuit.
I would like to view an outline of the CAIR counterbalance training material. Exactly how balanced are they in their assessment of the domestic and global threat posed by the ummah, we may never really know.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Taxpayer funded Minnesota madrassa
When substitute teacher, Amanda Getz, came forward and "dropped a dime" on the school, news reporters descended on the campus looking for evidence. Police were called when an academy representative assaulted the cameraman and held his equipment until law enforcement arrived. Getz believes the activities she witnessed are consistent with a religious institution. Ritual washing prior to Friday prayer service, mandatory after school islamic studies and the absence of the American flag in the school courtyard, were all red flags.
This is just another example of the rampant "nose-snubbing" of the ummah to the state of Minnesota. The Target kowtowing over pork-free check-outs, muslim cabby's restricting alcohol and canine transport and the taxpayer funded installation of foot-baths at Minneapolis Community and Technical College. And lets not forget the death threat against Emmitt the service dog.
Debbie Schlussel has a lot of information on the islamic take-over in Minnesota as well as Michigan. It's worth taking a look and spending some time.
~~Editors note~~ I believe in parochial education, school choice and early religious instruction for children. My husband and I made the financial sacrifice to send our son to our parish elementary school and a Catholic high school. This is one of our most precious freedoms, one that many parents sacrifice to pay the tuition for a specific educational experience. Not once in 12 years were we given a tax break because we refused to utilize the public school system. ~~
However, when a majority of public school children are forbidden from celebrating with red and green anything during the "winter holiday" celebrations and the TIZA charter school march shoeless children into the gym to kneel on rugs and listen to an imam, "MeThinks" there's a double standard. If muslims want an islamic education for their children, then they need to pay tuition.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Somali muslim threatens service dog!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Why the Backlash from CAIR?
Ahmed Rehab from CAIR's Chicago chapter said “the exercise wrongly typecast Islamic houses of worship as security threats. Rehab says he has no reason to believe the exercise was meant to be malicious, but it still perpetuates a stereotype linking all Muslims to terrorism.”
Upon hearing CAIR’s response, Whitehead came up with a few unanswered questions.
1) Who were the hostage takers? Nowhere in the story do the words “Muslim terrorists” appear. In fact, the “terrorists” were given generic names from a TV program.
2) It is safe to presume that a mosque, being a Muslim religious building, would be full of … Muslims.
3) Nowhere in the drill was the mosque identified as a threat.
The above lead to more questions:
1) Why did CAIR assume the terrorists were Muslim? (Note to CAIR: Not all Muslims are terrorists.)
2) Why doesn’t CAIR appreciate the fact that law enforcement ran a drill saving American Muslims from terrorists? (And what does this lack of appreciation tell us about CAIR?)
3) Why did CAIR assume the mosque was a threat? None of the articles regarding the drill stated that the mosque was seen as a threat. (Again, what does this tell us about CAIR?)
I doubt any of us will answers to those questions. At least someone is asking them.
Friday, May 09, 2008
CAIR "Whine-O-Gram" speed linking
- CAIR’s Michigan branch is “unhappy” with the McCain campaign and demand an apology after Ali Jawad was cut loose.
With her finger on the pulse of the arab community in Michigan, Debbie Schlussel has all the background info on this terrorist here, here and here.
- The two “suspicious” Washington state ferry riders have been found. And CAIR is pleased to report they’re tourist not terrorist.
- CAIR is in full support of the push to change offensive terminology, to "De-Link Faith, Terror to Stunt Extremism" when addressing the enemy. According to the National Counterterrorism Center, words such as islamofascists, jihad, mujahideen and caliphate have "positive" connotations in the muslim world (sic) and should not be used to describe evil, murderous acts by muslims in the name of allah.
- And finally, CAIR’s Chicago branch is "offended" when the city of Irving launched an emergency preparedness drill targeting a simulated mosque. Ahmed Rehab claims "the exercise wrongly typecast islamic houses of worship as security threats." Rehab says he has no reason to believe the exercise was meant to be malicious, but it still perpetuates a stereotype linking all Muslims to terrorism. Here's the entire AP story.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Shenanigans at the Ohio AG office

Breaking news, Governor Strickland and other top dems, have just asked Marc Dann to resign.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
USF jihadis charged, 7 count indictment

The Count Charges of Superseding Indictment and Maximum Term of Imprisonment
1) Proving material support to terrorism,Title 18, United States Code, Section 2339A 15 years
2) Distributing information which teaches and demonstrates the making or use of explosives,Title 18, United states Code, Section 842(p)(2)(A) 20 years
3) Transporting explosive materials in interstate commerce without the requisite federal license Title 18, United States Code, Section 842(a)(3)(A) 10 years
4) Possession of a destructive device without the proper registration Title 26, United States Code, Section 5861(d) 10 years
5 & 6) Illegal possession of a firearm by a non-immigrant alien, Title 18, United States Code, Section 922(g)(5)(B) 10 years for each count
7) Carrying a destructive device during and in relation to a crime of violence,Title 18, United States Code, Section 924(c)(1)(A) Life
I hope this is televised on Court TV.