When Christopher was little, I would take him to a farm and let him pick a pumpkin. By the power of a knife and little hands (to scoop out the seeds) the former pumpkin would become a “Jack-o-Lantern”. Usually a week before Halloween on a Sunday after church we would head down to the canal in Valley View and see who had pumpkins for sale. One or two Jack-O-Lanterns would be the extent of my decorations.
Our first house was on a hill with 20+ steps leading to the front door which was a deterrent to most Trick-Or-Treaters. Only the heartiest candy grabbers would make the trek to the house on the hill. If we got little ones it was because the evening was warm and the parent carried them. If it was cold or rainy I could plan on taking candy to work the next day to place in the cafeteria for coworkers to enjoy. Most years only a handful of ghouls and goblins would come calling. Those hearty enough to endure the stairs would receive a handful of treats. I figured if you did climb the stairs you deserved a little something extra for your endeavor.
As a tot, Christopher would dress up and venture out for about 45 minutes to an hour. A pumpkin, ninja turtle and batman for a few years. He’s not a big candy eater, butterfingers and peanut butter cups are his favorites, and let’s not forget about the money. He liked the change at the bottom of his bag or Jack-O-Lantern bucket.

I wish everyone who celebrate this holiday, the old fashioned way that is completely politically incorrect, a safe and Happy Halloween!
SIGH...feeling a bit of melancholy here. They DO grow up so fast, don't they?
May all those who trick or treat have a HOLY (hallowed) evening tonight, and no tummy aches tomorrow. (That goes for the parents who raid the candy stash too!) smile!
Thanks for checking in Delta.
Gathering the pictures this morning did make me a bid sad. He was/is my "perfect baby/child/teen/young man" and we are SO Blessed to have him.
Our Lord surely gave me a gift that made me who I am today. This child transformed me.
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