My sister-in-law and I packed up our children and headed down to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Admission was free and every attendant received a free sapling to plant.
Now, I’m not a tree hugging environmentalist. We recycle aluminum, brass and copper. The prices of these materials have been on the rise and who couldn’t use the extra cash? I don’t toss garbage out the car window and I have been known to pick up trash left over from the refuse truck in front of my house. I believe we all need to be good stewards of the earth to which we’ve been given dominion.
On the flip side, we own 2 gas guzzling sports cars and recently traded our 8 cylinder Jeep Grand Cherokee in on a 4 cylinder Dodge Caliber. I want to continue to have the freedom to decide what I drive.
But this trip to the Earth Day observance wasn’t because it was free or the tree give-away. No, it was for purely selfish reasons. Sheryl Crow and Four Non-Blonde's were performing FOR FREE in the zoo amphitheater!

As you can see, my son was not very happy to be there. However Carolyn and I needed to have the children accompanying us lest we be mistaken for “Lilith fare” leftovers. And I must say, having the kids around cut down on the same-sex pick-up attempts.
I celebrated Earth Day by noticing how Google's logo had algae dripping off the stones. Slimy...
I noticed that as well.
Maybe it's tied to their beliefs on creation and how "we" crawled up out of the slime....
Earth day? Wha?
Hi-larious photos. Those filthy hippies and their recycled badges will get their comeuppance one day. Perhaps they already have?
did u at least wear greeeeeeen?..lmboooooooooo
You hippie.
"lilith fair" leftovers...
you are a crack up and this was hysterical.
Thanks Chris and Dinah, I try...
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