Thursday, April 03, 2008

Rod Parsley draws CAIR fire

I’d seen the advertisements on cable and thought the event sounded interesting. Though I don’t care for the “mega-church” approach to worship, this upcoming eschatology program appears intriguing. Especially now that I know CAIR officials scrutinize the content.

Rod Parsley and the World Harvest Church came under fire in the April 1st whine-o-gram for remarks that CAIR deemed “threatening” to islam. Calling islam a false religion and allah a demon spirit were pointed out as well as this crazy notion that muslims are bent on world conquest.

Columbus’ own Abukar Arman opined to al-Jazeera saying, "It has a psychological toll on Muslims in central Ohio and beyond, that you are not part of the society that America was founded, in his words, to obliterate Islam," and McCain should distance himself from Parsley. "In the grand scale of things," Arman says, "it hurts even the national security of this country because it fuels anti-Americanism."

Patrick Poole at COAT and Front Page Mag has a lot of interesting stuff on Arman like this little nugget.


Malott said...

"it hurts even the national security of this country because it fuels anti-Americanism."

That sounds like a threat to me!

janice said...

That's what I understood the statement to mean.

CAIR stirs the stink pot with exaggerated claims of insults and offenses against islam. CAIR is the one who fuels anti-Americanism within the ummah.