As I posted last night, today is my birthday. I share this day with the "king," Elvis. I only mention this fact because while you're listening to the radio today you'll hear this proclaimed all day. The "oldies" station in NEO will play an Elvis tune every other song and by tonight I'm sure their audience will have dwindled to about 3 die hard fans. I will not be among them, I'm not really an Elvis fan, I've always felt he was over-rated. The only songs I absolutely love are his Christmas songs, go figure. It's probably because my mother has the album pictured here (circa 1958) and would play it all season long.
Anyway, today is my 41st birthday and if you hear an Elvis song being played today (oh, and you will), think of this humble blogger as well.
Happy birthday honey!!! You are my love, you are my life, you are my everything!
Have a wonderful day.
You're just a baby! Happy b-day.
Thanks Chris and Nick. I had a wonderful day that garnered MUCH attention. I'll post later on that issue.
Thanks again!
Happy (belated) Birthday, Janice!
I read your post earlier in the day yesterday, with the intention of posting to you, but time somehow slipped away from me.
So, just think of this as an attempt to extend your blessed day of birth celebration one day further! Hope you have a great birthday week!
Thank you for the "birthday" extension Christina.
I know how time slips away. Everything is starting at once with the relocation. So time is a precious commodity right now.
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