CAIR’s Chicago office executive director
thug, Ahmed Rehab authored the Huffington article drivel. Like other articles, commentaries and op-ed’s by fellow CAIR minions, Rehab aims to educate the infidel populace by presenting the “facts” of the case. In his list of facts Rehab states these terrorists are too stupid to be considered al Qaeda material; “hardly the breed of ruthless masterminds that the global terrorist networks like Al Qaeda tend to recruit and deploy”. We are led to believe that once again these poor men are victims of and were radicalized by an “agent provocateur” working for the United States government. Already working the entrapment angle, Rehab employs the greed card by including this statement by a long-time mosque member; "It's easy to influence someone with the dollar".
Masjid al-Ikhlas members and other RoP faithful all claim there was something suspicious about the informant and knew to stay away form him. If everyone knew this informant was bad news, why didn’t someone alert the authorities? Rehab gets the answer to that question from Imam Muhammad; "How do you go to the government about the government?"
There’s no mention as to what part the imam and mosque played in their radicalization or if their jailhouse conversion enhanced their anti-Americanism/anti-Semitism or did their anti-Americanism/anti-Semitism hastened their conversion. For now, the self-appointed American muslim mouthpiece would have us believe, these men are the true victims and islam is under attack once again.